Our Team


I’m Heather Myers and I have been operating Pudgy Dog in Winnipeg for 15+ years. I am passionate about seeing dogs have a safe and good time. I have 6 years of post-secondary education but I basically stare at dog bums for a living and wonder if they look ready to poop. I have a knack for knowing which dogs will get along and which will crash and burn.

I despise conservative politics, the patriarchy, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, racism and misogyny. Black Lives Matter, Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls matter and this climate crisis matters. I operate my business and am a settler on ancestral lands on Treaty One Territory. Lands that are the heartland of the Metis people. Also, defund police and divest the obscene policing budget into community resources.


When I’m not walking dogs for Pudgy Dog you can find me working on stained glass or other art projects in my home studio. Gardening! I have an extensive plant collection in my house and outdoor garden in the summer months.  I love camping & hiking with my husband Aaron and two dogs Penny & Pippa. The four of us also enjoy a good, cozy tv/movie night on the couch!

Would you rather have a magical collar that allows you to talk to any dog in the world or have the power to make any dog perform an elaborate dance routine on command?

I would definitely love to have a magical collar so I can talk to dogs. I would love to know what they're thinking. I'm sure there would be lots of conversations about food. Haha!

Would you rather have a super-sensitive nose that can sniff out anything, like buried treasure or lost socks, or have the power to make any dog instantly fall in love with you?

I would rather have a super-sensitive nose that can sniff out anything because I could definitely use some treasure and I already have the secret to making any dog fall in love with me. The best treats!


When I’m not walking dogs for Pudgy Dog you’ll find me taking photos, making my loved ones dinner, doing some sort of DIY project, singing karaoke, or snuggling my dog, Frodo.

Would you rather have the ability to understand and speak to all breeds of dogs or have the power to make any treat appear out of thin air?

I’d definitely rather have the ability to understand and speak to dogs, because then I feel like I could mediate any doggy understandings.  It would be SO nice to be able to explain that even though a dog walks five feet away from your bone does NOT mean he’s trying to steal it, so there’s no need for the growling.

Would you rather have a tail that wags uncontrollably whenever you're happy or ears that perk up whenever someone says your name?

I think I’d rather have an uncontrollably waggy tail when I’m happy. Whenever any of the dogs get a crazy waggy tail/bum it brings me endless joy and I love knowing that they’re having a good time, so why wouldn’t I want other people to know when I’m happy and having a good time?  I think it would just make the world a nicer place.


When I’m not walking dogs for Pudgy Dog you can find me enjoying a good book, practicing yoga or spending quality time with friends and family. Much of my schedule is also dedicated to snuggling my tuxedo cat Nuru!

Would you rather have the ability to fetch any object from around the world or be able to bark fluently in any language?

I would rather have the ability to fetch any object from around the world, mostly so I can save money on shipping when I shop online!

Would you rather have a personal doggy door that leads you to anywhere you want to go or be able to summon a pack of friendly corgis to accompany you on your adventures?

I would rather be able to summon a pack of friendly corgis to accompany me on my adventures. I can think of nothing better than having a bunch of adorable pups joining me everywhere I go!